During the exam, if you reload the page, it will be counted as a new exam. This means a number will be decreased from the number of times allocated to you

The maximum duration of the exam is 45 minutes

The exam consists of three parts

Part 1

consists of 25 questions about recognizing danger
For each question, you have 8 seconds to answer
At least 13 of the 25 questions must have been answered correctly

Part 2

consists of 12 questions about the knowledge you need to participate in traffic
Take the time to read the questions carefully before you answer
At least 10 of the 12 questions must have been answered correctly

Part 3

consists of 28 questions about traffic insight
Take the time to read the questions carefully before you answer
Of the 28 questions, you must have answered at least 25 correctly

You must succeed in all parts to be successful

Part 1 is done

You must succeed in all parts to be successful

Part 2

consists of 12 questions about the knowledge you need to participate in traffic
Take the time to read the questions carefully before you answer
At least 10 of the 12 questions must have been answered correctly

Part 2 is done

You must succeed in all parts to be successful

Part 3

consists of 28 questions about traffic insight
Take the time to read the questions carefully before you answer
Of the 28 questions, you must have answered at least 25 correctly

Result - Free Exam

Results Explanations

Question was skipped (No answer given)
Question answered correctly
Question answered incorrectly

Congrats! You've passed the exam successfully 🎉🥳
Whoops! You didn't pass the exam this time, try again! 💪🔄

Hazard perception

Traffic rules

Traffic insight

Exam's Categories Result - Free Exam

Use of the Road

The position on the road, preparing for a turn, overtaking, maximum speed, stopping, and parking

Mistakes in this category:

Right of Way and Giving Way

Giving right of way at intersections, giving way when turning, and giving way to pedestrians

Mistakes in this category:

Special Roads, Road Sections, Road Users, and Maneuvers

Among others, driving on a highway or in a yard. And what you may and may not do, for example, with a military convoy or during a special maneuver

Mistakes in this category:

Safe Driving with the Vehicle and Responding in Emergency Situations

The use of lights, giving signals, seating arrangements, the use of seat belts, and responding in emergency situations such as breakdowns and accidents

Mistakes in this category:

Traffic Signs and Instructions

Traffic signs, traffic lights, road markings, and instructions from, for example, police officers

Mistakes in this category:

Responsible Traffic Participation and Environmentally Conscious Driving

What knowledge and skills are important for safe traffic participation and for driving economically? And what are the risks?

Mistakes in this category:


The general provisions from the traffic legislation and documents related to the use of the car

Mistakes in this category:

Vehicle Knowledge

The requirements set for the car such as load and lighting, and knowledge of, for example, dashboard symbols and the use of mirrors

Mistakes in this category:

Hazard Perception

Recognizing danger in different situations and determining what to do: braking, releasing the gas, or doing nothing

Mistakes in this category: